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Essay the lottery

Essay the lottery

essay the lottery

WebThe Lottery by Shirley Jackson is a story in which the setting sets up the reader to think of positive outcomes. However, this description of the setting foreshadows exactly the Web8/07/ · The Lottery, a short story by Shirley Jackson, developed the themes of adherence to meaningless traditions, parenting and scapegoating. The broad aftermath WebThe Lottery, a short story written by famous writer Shirley Jackson, created an uproar on June 26, , when it was published in the magazine The New Yorker (Ball). The gothic

The lottery essay

The author of the lottery explained that the major ideas of her brilliant story are the pointless violence and common inhumanity. And the setting in the small town is used by the author specifically to emphasize the shock; it was used for dramatization, to make readers think about the similar things that may happen in their own lives too. That is why it had received essay the lottery very controversial response from the public and praises from media. People may feel deeply insulted or hurt because of the brutality of the lottery itself and also because they recognize the settings; these are the settings of their lives.

The town lottery is popular even among the villagers. Men, women and their children stand together. The first one is following the traditions. The author wanted to draw attention to the fact that not all of the traditions are good. Sometimes a tradition may be harmful, essay the lottery, and following it blindly is dangerous and stupid. It appears that tradition is perceived as the reason for a murder, it serves as justification for essay the lottery public. That is the theme. If you will not change anything, it will not be changed ever.

Another theme defined by Shirley Jackson is the random choice of the persecuted person. The randomness of persecution is connected with the indifference, and the author just hints that these things often happen in real life. The indifference is evil. The reasons of persecution may be varied and often they are out of control of the persons who are persecuted. The persecution often happens without any reasons, essay the lottery, and Shirley Jackson just frankly speaks about it in her story. Shirley Jackson uses the symbols in her work, simply because they help the author to represent some important things. They serve as additional elements of her story and form the whole picture. The first symbol is the Black Box, which is the heart of essay the lottery event.

It essay the lottery tradition and it also shows illogic characters of the villagers. It should be noted that the box is quite old because it has been stored for many years, essay the lottery, but people keep it. Their tradition, their views, and habits are based on the idea of this box, essay the lottery. There is no logic in the actions of the villagers because they do not follow any other essay the lottery, only this one. Black Box is a symbol of these actions. And there is no doubt that essay the lottery major symbol suggested by Shirley Jackson is the Lottery itself.

It demonstrates that the known way of life no matter how stupid, violent or important it may be is everything for the people of the village. The Lottery is the bizarre idea that was received by this generation from their parent and it should be followed without any questions. Shirley Jackson uses foreshadowing to emphasize the possibility of future violent events, she hints on it by using seemingly innocent details, such as stones in the pockets of the children at the beginning of the story, essay the lottery, when it is not clear how they will be used further.

Watson, which is made in a form of the indirect mentioning of Watson boy situation by Mr. The way the author essay the lottery suspense in her story is amazing. She makes an introduction telling about elements of the tradition, and the audience may follow the process, the ritual, till the shocking end of the story. When this story was published in The New Yorker init was perceived quite negatively by the readers and was even banned by a number of organizations. This is clear proof that this short story had a essay the lottery impact on the readers and deeply touched their feelings. The reaction of the public proves that this story is exceptional and that there are clear parallels with our society and reality.

In my opinion, the greatest effect of this story is that it forces everyone to think — about our traditions, rituals, cruelty, and indifference that have already become quite common, and about the consequences of such indifference. Thinking over such deep philosophic questions can be painful, and this is why the readers reacted in such a negative way to the story. The surrealistic effect of the story is further essay the lottery by the weird mood essay the lottery the villagers, festive and sorrowful at the same time. Shirley Jackson manages to keep the attention of the readers and does not reveal the real meaning of the lottery until the very end of the story, essay the lottery. The dramatic transformation of ordinary people with their mundane interests, gossips and good-neighbor relations into a group of killers and their thoughtless obedience to an outdated violent tradition stress the horror of the situation.

For me, this story is remarkable because it touches real problems of our essay the lottery, and reveals a lot of dangerous weaknesses of human nature, essay the lottery. Shirley Jackson clearly shows in the story that the real meaning of this tradition was already forgotten, and even the black box was only a symbol of the tragic lottery. The story also emphasizes human inertia and resistance to changes: although most people felt uncomfortable with the lottery e, essay the lottery. Delacroix and Mrs. Hutchinson was even attempting to resist the tradition was late for the lotterythe crowd continued to follow the pernicious ritual.

People did not ask questions and even got surprised hearing that in some towns this tradition was ended. For me, the message in this story is that everyone should think critically and analyze what is happening without relying on the opinion of other people and following only a personal code of ethics. Another valuable insight that I got from this story is that peaceful setting and spurious well-being should not hinder the understanding of the situation: one always needs to look at the real facts of the matter and should always be alert. I believe that Shirley Jackson was trying to warn people against relying on wrong outdated values and traditions and tried to show how destructive such blind obedience could be. As for me, this story taught me that the real intentions of people should be judged by actions and their ability to take responsibility for their actions, rather than by compliance with social rules.

Custom papers you get from essay the lottery writing experts should be used for research purposes only. These papers are not supposed to be submitted for academic credit, essay the lottery. The lottery essay. Symbols Shirley Jackson uses the symbols in her work, simply because they help the author to represent some important things. Black Box is a symbol of these actions, And there is no doubt that the major symbol suggested by Shirley Jackson is the Lottery itself. Foreshadowing Shirley Jackson uses foreshadowing to emphasize the possibility of future violent events, she hints on it by using seemingly innocent details, such as stones in the pockets of the children at the beginning of the story, when it is not clear how they will be used further.

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Essay- The lottery Essay Example | GraduateWay

essay the lottery

WebThe Lottery, a short story written by famous writer Shirley Jackson, created an uproar on June 26, , when it was published in the magazine The New Yorker (Ball). The gothic Web1/09/ · ❓ The Lottery Essay Questions How Do the Authors Bring Out the Theme of Class and Society in Anton Chekhov’s The Bet and Shirley Jackson’s “The What Does Web8/07/ · The Lottery, a short story by Shirley Jackson, developed the themes of adherence to meaningless traditions, parenting and scapegoating. The broad aftermath

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