WebGenetically modified foods are a cheap and efficient way for scientists and farmers to create food. The overall prices of genetically modified foods are normally cheaper than normally WebExplain the article author’s position on genetically modified foods The author of the article argues that people have the right to know what is in the food that they are eating. WebPublic awareness groups and European environmental agencies have been frequently protesting against genetically modified foods and crops for years, and the latest
Genetically modified food Essay Example [ Words] | EssayWriter
According to WHOgenetically modified food GMF refers to food products that are grown from animals and plants whose genes have undergone modification through genetic engineering. Presently, most GMFs are from plants; however, shortly, GFMs from animals will be introduced in the market. Besides, GMFs will be derived from micro-organisms. GMFs undergo lab tests to ensure desired quality, and this has been critical in achieving high-quality GMF products; however, their consumption have serious negative consequences. First, GMF products are associated with serious negative health consequences among consumers. Genetic engineering causes serious damages and the mutation of the DNA and this causes permanent damage by deleting the natural genes of organisms.
This results in the creation of proteins that promote the diseases mentioned above or cause allergies among consumers. The consumption of genetically modified Soybeans is associated with reproductive health issues such as high infertility and increased infant mortality rates. Besides, the genetic materials that are present in the GMFs are transferred into the intestines of consumers leading to serious gastrointestinal issues. As already alluded to in the introduction, GMFs are genetically engineered to be resistant to diseases and to tolerate herbicides. This results in an increased use of pesticides and herbicides by farmers.
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Essay on Genetically modified crops
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WebAug 29, · Genetically modified foods are derived from living things that have had special alterations injected into their DNA by genetic engineering. These techniques WebOct 6, · Genetically modified food is food produced from organisms whose genes have been modified with the use of genetic engineering. The genetic material of these WebGenetically Modified Foods “70 percent of our corn farmland and 93 percent of soy farmland are planted with crops genetically engineered to resist pests and herbicides
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